IT Preparation
The HKCS is an anonymous, online survey. We do not collect any personally identifiable information on students and there is no way to tie an individual survey response back to a student. Reassuring students of the anonymity of their responses is key to collecting reliable data.
To protect anonymity, schools participating in the survey may need to adjust certain IT security features during their administration. Please plan ahead to allow enough time to coordinate this at the district, school, or classroom level.
Additional precautions taken to protect anonymity of student survey responses will vary according to district protocol, existing IT infrastructure, and staff capacity. Please consider the following recommendations:
Classroom Environment
Classroom teachers should prepare a classroom environment for the survey similar to state testing, where students:
have as much physical space around them as possible to protect their privacy
are instructed not to ask each other questions or otherwise talk during survey
are prepared with silent schoolwork ​​so anyone finished early or not participating can work quietly until everyone is finished.
These recommendations are also in both the Survey Coordinator Instructions and the Teacher Instructions.
Allow/Welcome List
Student device monitoring systems/software
If district IT staff have questions about how to implement any of the measures described above,
please contact the vendor(s) for your system.